Lakota Robotics | Game Announcements

2019 Game: Destination Deep Space

Check out this game reveal video!

Robot Name: Oggsmonaut


Destination: Deep Space is played on a 27 ft (823 cm) by 54 ft (1646 cm) field that is covered in grey carpet. The field is bounded by transparent polycarbonate guardrails on the longer sides and the Alliance Station walls on the shorter side. The field features two types of zones, one for each alliance. The habitat zone contains robots at the start and end of each match, while the alliance station is where drivers control their robots. For the first time, a Google Cardboard headset was included in the kickoff kit to allow teams to view a virtual field.

Alliance Station

Each alliance has their own Alliance Station that is positioned at one of the ends of the field. The Alliance Station is where drivers control their robots, human players deliver game pieces to robots, and coaches give advice to their team members. Each alliance station features two game piece holding areas on the sides of the driver stations.


Depots are placed on the field next to the alliance stations, with two per alliance. Before the match starts, alliances are permitted to stage cargo in their respective depots for robots to retrieve during the match.


The sandstorm is installed above each alliance’s alliance station, and is used to obscure the drive team’s vision during the sandstorm period. Once that period ends, the sandstorm retracts in order to allow drivers to see the field for the remainder of the match.

Loading Stations

Each alliance station features two loading stations near the edges of the alliance station. Human players use the loading stations to deliver hatch covers and cargo to robots through a chute, where they can be collected by a waiting robot.

Scoring Areas


There are four rockets on the field, two per alliance. Each rocket features three levels, made up of two bays, where game pieces can be scored. Two hatch covers and two pieces of cargo can be scored on each level.

Cargo Ships

There are two cargo ships placed in the middle of the field, one per alliance. As with the rockets, each cargo ship features bays where hatch covers and cargo can be scored. Each cargo ship has eight bays, each capable of holding one hatch cover and one cargo.

Habitat Platforms

Each alliance controls one habitat platform near the alliance station wall. Robots start the match at their alliance’s respective habitat platform, and must return to the same platform at the end of the match. Each habitat platform has three levels, and parking on a higher level at the end of the match earns the alliance more points.

Gameplay and Scoring

Scoring Elements

There are two scoring elements in Destination: Deep Space; hatch covers and cargo. Hatch covers are 19 in. (~48 cm) diameter polycarbonate toroids, and cargo is represented by orange 13 in. (~33 cm) playground balls.

Sandstorm Period

For the 2019 season, the sandstorm period replaced the autonomous period, which had been used in many previous FRC games. Robots start the match at their respective habitat platforms, fully supported by habitat platform level one or two. The first 15 seconds of the match is the sandstorm period, where robots act solely on pre-programmed instructions, therefore acting autonomously, or under control of their drivers with the aid of a vision system mounted on the robot. Robots can earn points in a variety of ways. For each robot that fully crosses the habitat line during the sandstorm period, the alliance earns three points if the robot started on habitat platform level one and six points if the robot started on level two. Robots are also able to earn points for scoring hatch panels and cargo on their alliance’s rockets and cargo ship. As these actions carry the same point value as if they occurred in the teleop period, they will be further discussed in that section.

Teleop Period

After the sandstorm period ends, the teleop (tele-operated) period begins, which lasts for 135 seconds. Drivers control their robot from their Driver Station and human players continue to deliver game pieces to the robots. During this period, as in autonomous, every hatch panel scored on a rocket or cargo ship will earn three points for the alliance. Additionally, scoring cargo into a rocket or cargo ship will earn three points for the alliance.

End Game

The last 30 seconds of the teleop period is called the end game. During this time, robots can earn additional points by climbing back onto their alliance’s habitat platform. A robot ending the match on level one will earn the alliance 3 points, while ending the match on level two will earn 6 points and ending the match on level three will earn 12 points.

Special Scoring

In addition to earning match points, an alliance can earn a ranking point during the qualification rounds by accumulating a total of 15 end game points at the end of the match, which is known as habitat docking. An alliance can also earn a ranking point by completing a rocket, which entails scoring two hatch covers and two pieces of cargo on each level. A foul will result in 3 points being credited to the opposing alliance, and a tech foul will result in 10 points being credited to the opposing alliance.

Scoring Summary

Action Sandstorm Teleop Ranking Points
Sandstorm Bonus (Level One) 3 points
Sandstorm Bonus (Level Two) 6 points
Hatch Panel 2 points 2 points
Cargo 3 points 3 points
Habitat Climb Bonus (Level One) 3 points
Habitat Climb Bonus (Level Two) 6 points
Habitat Climb Bonus (Level Three) 12 points
Habitat Docking 1 RP (in Qualification)
One Complete Rocket 1 RP (in Qualification)
Foul 3 points 3 points
Tech Foul 10 points 10 points
Win 2 RP (in Qualification)
Tie 1 RP (in Qualification)